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The image is successfully verified as original此照片已獲成功認證此照片已获成功认证

Original code should be printed in原始圖碼尺寸為原始图码尺寸为 1.5cm x 1.5cm1.5cm x 1.5cm1.5cm x 1.5cm 1cm x 1cm1cm x 1cm1cm x 1cm 0.6cm x 0.6cm0.6cm x 0.6cm0.6cm x 0.6cm on satin fabric label並印於絲帶物料上并印于丝带物料上
Please make sure the barcode size fulfill the requirement請確保條碼尺寸符合標準请确保条码尺寸符合标准 []



The image cannot be verified at the moment此照片現時未能認證此照片现时未能认证

This photo is too blur or out of position這張照片太模糊或位置不當这张照片太模煳或位置不当

Your shot你的照片你的照片
Suggested shot建議照片建议照片
  • Camera resolution should not be lower than 8M pixels相機鏡頭解析度不可低於 800 萬像素相机镜头解析度不可低于 800 万像素
  • Your shot should be able to exhibit fine details as per the suggested shot你的照片的精細度需與建議相片相同你的照片的精细度需与建议相片相同
  • Press HELP if no goods photo can be taken請按幫助,如你未能拍攝出良好照片请按帮助,如你未能拍摄出良好照片



This mark cannot be recognized at the moment.此圖碼現時無法辨認此图码现时无法辨认

Sorry ! We cannot find any mark in the photo我們未能從相片中找到圖碼我们未能从相片中找到图码

There isn’t any information to be recovered from the photo我們未能從相片中獲取任何資訊我们未能从相片中获取任何资讯

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